Saturday, October 29, 2011

Twinkie Has Teeth Cleaned - Finally

Friday started out normal with a walk to the park.  But that was just a decoy to get Twinkie into the car to go to the vet.

It had been 5 years since his last teeth cleaning.  Bad breath caused by heavy plaque build up was too much to take.  These are the before pictues of his teeth the morning of his appointment.

The vet took these pictures during his surgery.

We knew he would have to have at least two tooth extractions.  Turns out that he had 5 teeth that needed to come out.  All were incisors so they won't affect his ability to eat normal kibble which is his favorite food. 

The vet saved his teeth to give to us.  The black stuff you see is plaque and tartar.  Some of the teeth look really clean.  That's because the vet cleans all teeth at once before determining which need to come out.

And here's the finished product.  A bright new smile with super fresh breath.  Just like when he was a puppy.

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