Sunday, October 16, 2011

Dad Visits Anthony in His New Town

Absolutely perfect day to pickup Anthony and run some errands and grab lunch.  50 degrees in the morning with a high of 80 predicted.  My map and Ford Expedition rental were all I needed.

Here's a view of his dorm entrance (Sewall Hall) and surrounding buildings.

And here's the man of the hour coming out to start the day.  He sure looks fit and trim - seems taller, too.

First agenda item is shopping.  We ended at the Target Supercenter in Louisville, CO.

Lunch was at Macaroni Grill.   They have a new menu including a selection of fruit flavored Italian sodas.  Anthony had the Pomegranite with cream.  Salud!

Next it was a run to REI to pick up some shoes for the coming snow season.

Just enough time to drop off everything in the room

And then it was time to get the last load and say our good bye's.   Great to see you, son.  Just 60 days left until the semester and finals are over.

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