Sunday, October 2, 2011

Corn Ears Have Arrived

Good news and bad news.  The corn patch is doing really well.  The bamboo supports are doing their job.  The stalks are now way taller than me. 

I guess my trick of shaking the tassles (top of the stalk) so that pollen falls onto the junction where the leaves join the plant worked to pollinate and generate fruit.  

So next I tried another trick I learned of cutting the tassles from the top and rubbing them on the silks to stimulate growth.  

Here's a closer look at the emerging ears.

So what about the bad news? Well, it was not a good week for the goldfish in the outdoor patio pond.  It was very hot and it stimulated an algae bloom that reduced the oxygen in the water.  Several fish died.  But there were about 16 that survived.  They are fine now that the water has been recycled. 

With a half dozen dead fish, I decided to employ a method used by native americans before the settlers. They used to place a minnow in the ground when they planted seeds to provide nutrients.  And that's what I did with the fish using the corn as their final resting place.  

First poke a whole in the ground, then drop a fish, and cover it up.  Easy.

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