Sunday, October 21, 2012

Happy Anniversary

30 years of marriage celebrated in 2012.   This photo collage features a background photo of the church we married in, Our Lady of Lorreto.  The picture in the bottom center was taken during a visit to the church earlier in 2012.  Look closely at the pews and see who's sitting in the church in virtual effect. 

Since blogs weren't around in 1982, here are the first appearances on line of photos from the wedding reception.

Before going out to dinner, we took a few photos to commemorate the occasion.

Then it was off to Maggiano's for a 3 course meal.  No alcohol tonight.  Instead, we toasted with a special carbonited beverage from France made from blood oranges - and we got to keep the bottle, too.

Even at dinner, Mom is dutifully checking for texts from the twins.

And one final photo from outside the restaurant.

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