Monday, September 24, 2012

Disco Nights at Trabuco

The Mustangs played the Barons of Fountain Valley on 9/21.   But the game was not the main attraction.  It was also senior night as well as the annual Disco Nights dance. 

The atmosphere was highly charged.   Oh yeah - the Mustangs also won the game. 

Some video of the evening's highlights.  Starting with a pregame ritual led by the varsity cheerleaders.

Turn it up

Sample varsity cheer routine

Sample varsity cheer stunt

Student section going crazy, led by ASB.

Even the mascots couldn't resist.

For whatever reason, balloons and the student section are a favorite highlight.

Out of all the chaos, a balloon chant got started

The halftime show featured all cheer teams including varsity, JV, and frosh.  See if you can spot the family member.

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