Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Dorms - Where the Boys Are

Thanks to Google Earth, here are aerial views of Lucas' new home.

1365 Agate Street points to this location.  The new arena is next door.  The football field is across the river.

Lucas' dorm occupies several wings.  The new Matthew Knight Arena is next door.  Looking north.

Looking south, the track and field stadium is not far.

Looking south with the football stadium below.

Anthony's dorm, Sewall Hall, is located on the northern edge of campus.  Not far from the football field and "the Hill" where lots of restaurants are located.

This view is looking north.

Looking southeast in the direction towards Denver which is 25 miles away.

Facing west. 

Looking north with the whole campus in view.  That's an intramural field at the bottom.  The band practices there.

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