Monday, September 24, 2012

Disco Nights at Trabuco

The Mustangs played the Barons of Fountain Valley on 9/21.   But the game was not the main attraction.  It was also senior night as well as the annual Disco Nights dance. 

The atmosphere was highly charged.   Oh yeah - the Mustangs also won the game. 

Some video of the evening's highlights.  Starting with a pregame ritual led by the varsity cheerleaders.

Turn it up

Sample varsity cheer routine

Sample varsity cheer stunt

Student section going crazy, led by ASB.

Even the mascots couldn't resist.

For whatever reason, balloons and the student section are a favorite highlight.

Out of all the chaos, a balloon chant got started

The halftime show featured all cheer teams including varsity, JV, and frosh.  See if you can spot the family member.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Demolition by the Eagles

The bad news is that the varsity played on local tv and lost to the RSM Eagles 55-0.

The good news is that the JV team scored more than the varsity.  They still lost 42-6.

Rough day for the Mustangs.  But at least when the ran through the break through it looked pretty cool.

Lots of hard hitting action.

Still plenty of spirit shown by the cheerleaders.

By half time the vultures were starting to circle over the field.

Better luck next week, coach.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Twinkie's Weekend Walk

For those that need a Twinkie fix, here's a few shots of his weekend pastime.

Nothing like speeding across the meadow.

Time to head back to the car.

Just can't stop yawning.  Time for his mid day siesta.

Don't Mess with the Secret Service

The president was in town over the Labor Day weekend to rally college support.   He came to the CU campus.  

Here's an email sent to residents to alert them to mind their manners ...

Too bad he didn't have time to stop for a round of XBOX with the boys.

Bears Official Payday

Finally, Selena becomes a tax paying citizen. 

Her first paycheck of the year.

Anthony Makes it on TV After CU Scores

While watching a taped replay, the camera panned across the fans after CU scored their first touchdown against CSU.  And look who is there in the bottom center of the screen.  It's the 3 roommates from Sewall Hall.

Here's a partial video of the scoring play.  You'll see the boys at the 35 second mark.  You'll need to click pause right away because they pan quick and they are at the very bottom of the screen.

Here's a cool view of the running of Ralphie from the start of the game.

Here's a screen capture of the dorm.  It's at the bottom center of the shot.  And the actual commercial about the school follows.

Anthony sent these shots taken with his camera phone.

Monday, September 3, 2012

First Home Game Ends in a Tie

School hasn't started yet but Emily already has cheered at two games.

The first was at Dana Hills.   We missed that due to Anthony's move in date.  The second one was an exciting home game vs Newport Harbor.  The game went back and forth and ended with Trabuco JV scoring on a final desparate 30+ yard pass with no time remaining on the clock.   But due to an excessive celebration penatly, the winning extra point was from 27 yards away and was blocked.  Game over at 32-32.

Some shots from the game.  Some of these were taken by a special guest photographer brought in just for the game.

Shots of Emily


Some late arriving fans.


Slow motion footage of one of the kickoffs and a quarterback scramble.

Still shots of the action.