Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Visit to Boulder

Feb 18 - Anthony hosted Mom, Dad, and Emily for a short 24 visit to Boulder.   It was Emily's first trip into Colorado and, hopefully, her first time seeing snow.   Here's what we did.

From the airplane seat to the back seat.

Not two minutes after arriving in Boulder, Emily threw her first snowball.

Rooftop view from the hotel.

Our Ford Mustang rental.

Picking up Anthony at Sewall Hall.

After picking up supplies, it was time to take them back to the room.

That's Anthony's desk on the far left.

Time to get something to eat and again with the snowballs.

Arriving at Cantina Laredo.

After dinner, a short walk threw Pearl Street.  That's the Boulder Theater behind us.

Now "weight" a minute - do we really need to sweat before going to bed.

Next day, still no snow falling.  And it was getting warmer.

Lots of snow leftover in the shady section of the roof deck.

Having trouble getting the hang of snowball making.  They keep exploding.

Waiting for breakfast at the Original Panckake House

Anthony ordered the Dutch Baby. Google it to find out what's in it.

The rest was interesting, too. Sourdough french toast and sourdough pancakes.

If the snow wasn't coming to us, we decided to go to the snow.  We drove up a canyon road to Boulder Falls on the way to Nederland.  Much colder and snowier up here.

And then it was time to drop Anthony off and say our good byes.

On the Avis bus and on the airport train to finish off our trip.

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