Monday, February 27, 2012

Reyes Family in OC Register?

Last week, I submitted several photos to the OC Register from the January Disneyland trip for possible use in the Around Disney section that comes out every Friday in the Local section.

While I was out of town in Philly I received this email from the Register that they were interested in using a photo.

Can't tell if they were only going to use one photo or several.  The link in the email pointed to this one.

The bad news is last Friday we did not get the paper.  No one in the neighborhood did.  So we really don't know if we were in that edition or in an upcoming edition.

Oh well.

Hail Hits Home

An ocean storm dropped the temperature and lots of rain today.

And then a big surprise came.  Hail.  Very tiny Dippin Dot size but still hail.

Twinkie's Park Buddies

Twinkie met someone new on his walk around the lake.

The coots came zipping in for a closer look

Twinkie greets his pals.

And finally he's free to romp.

Short stopover in DC

On the way back from Philly, stopped at Dulles Airport to change planes.

Flying over the Potomac River.

This Washington Redskins training facility.  See their logo on the practice field.

Qatar (pronounced Kutter) Airlines.  Home of an upcoming World Cup.

Inside the terminal, a whole store dedicated to Washington DC politics.

Change of Planes in Chicago

Eventually, my flight left LAX but missed a connection in Chicago.  Had to wait a couple of hours to the next one.  Just enough time for a snack.

Hey!  An upgrade to First Class.

Views of Chicago from the air at night.

Finally, in Philly and time for a late dinner.

The Wanted - a backstage view

Taken prior to a recent performance on cell phone.

Flight Delay at LAX

The delayed flight to Philly meant extra time at LAX.  Fortunately, United Airlines called me before I parked.  Here's some of what I did to pass the time.

First, some sightseeing.

What's this?  There's an In and Out by the runway?

There is!

Another flight delay.  That means I might as well have some lunch.

Why not share with a little friend.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Visit to Boulder

Feb 18 - Anthony hosted Mom, Dad, and Emily for a short 24 visit to Boulder.   It was Emily's first trip into Colorado and, hopefully, her first time seeing snow.   Here's what we did.

From the airplane seat to the back seat.

Not two minutes after arriving in Boulder, Emily threw her first snowball.

Rooftop view from the hotel.

Our Ford Mustang rental.

Picking up Anthony at Sewall Hall.

After picking up supplies, it was time to take them back to the room.

That's Anthony's desk on the far left.

Time to get something to eat and again with the snowballs.

Arriving at Cantina Laredo.

After dinner, a short walk threw Pearl Street.  That's the Boulder Theater behind us.

Now "weight" a minute - do we really need to sweat before going to bed.

Next day, still no snow falling.  And it was getting warmer.

Lots of snow leftover in the shady section of the roof deck.

Having trouble getting the hang of snowball making.  They keep exploding.

Waiting for breakfast at the Original Panckake House

Anthony ordered the Dutch Baby. Google it to find out what's in it.

The rest was interesting, too. Sourdough french toast and sourdough pancakes.

If the snow wasn't coming to us, we decided to go to the snow.  We drove up a canyon road to Boulder Falls on the way to Nederland.  Much colder and snowier up here.

And then it was time to drop Anthony off and say our good byes.

On the Avis bus and on the airport train to finish off our trip.