Sunday, November 13, 2011

Emily's First Football Season Comes to an End

There was actually a rare double-header on the last day of the season on Wednesday, 11/9.   The A team played first followed by the B team.   The opponent was Mission Viejo (yes, the same school Mark Sanchez went to).  The A team won big by a score of 42 to 19.  The B team lost big 0 to 26.  That made Mission Viejo the night's winner with a combined score of 45 to 42.  

But no one really cared.  Seemed like everyone had fun.   The kids had a chance to play under the lights for the first time.  Here's some shots from the games.

And these are final cheer team photos.

During the game, a freshman classmate stopped by to say hello to the cheer team and take photos.  He was recently a contestant on the X Factor.  He got voted off but they say he can sing really well.  And - yes - he did end up singing for the cheer team.  See proof below.

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