Sunday, September 25, 2011

Corn On the Cob Coming Soon

This year's first crop ever of corn almost didn't happen.  A major wind burst during a brief rainstorm last week flattened the corn stalks.

But fortunately none of the stalks broke.   After adding bamboo supports, the stalks are taller than ever.

The tassles on the top of the stalks have begun creating pollen. It looks like dust when the wind hits it.  Here's a freeze frame of it.

When the wind blows, pollen collects on the leaves and flows down to where the silks will grow at the point where the leaf connects with the stalk.

Today, the first silks were noticed.  And, when the silks get pollinated, ears start to form. 

After closer inspection, the very first ear of corn was spotted.  It's about the size of a thumb right now.

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