Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Finally - a new seating arrangement

The new furniture showed up today.

First we had to make some room.

You know who could care less.

The installers took only 15 minutes to get it all set up.

Did somebody say Chaise or Chase?

What happened to the old leather couch?

We put in theater seating in the living room.

Hot Wheels!

Finally time to turn in the old company car.

Good bye Ford Fusion.

Hello Toyota Camry Hybrid

Twinkie Meets the Gang at the Park

Some old and some new friends at RSM Lake

The pug is new, but Max the Bishon is an old pal.

Someone abandoned a family of white pekin ducks at the lake.  They are very tame.  They will come up to most humans.

While Twinkie meets the ducks a crowd looked on from a nearby rock.